A tale as old as time. You finally find your favorite go-to bra that works with everything. But after a few months, it just doesn’t do it for you anymore. It’s not supportive enough. The underwire popped out. Why do the straps keep falling?
We’ve all been there. The good news is that your trusty bra can last longer than a presidential term. With proper care for your bra, you won’t have to say goodbye like, right after you start to fall in love with it. Is this why we have commitment issues?
1. Don’t wear the same bra everyday.
“But I love it!” I know, I know. But just like you, your bra needs to take some time to rest. Give it a breather and only wear it every other day to help it retain its shape. If you’re really dreading saying goodbye for 24 hours, buy two of the same bra and alternate.

2. Wash on a cold & gentle cycle.
I know what you’re thinking. You thought I was going to tell you to hand-wash your bras. While that is ideal, we’re taking baby steps here, and sometimes you just have to side on convenience. But, if you’re feelin’ extra, you can learn a little somethin’ somethin’ about hand-washing here.
Anyway, this is simple. Prolonged exposure to hot water will break down the elastic in your bra, which will seriously change the fit and amount of support your bra gives. So just wash with cold water, okay?
3. Fasten the clasps before you put it in the washing machine.
Fastening the clasps of your bra prevents it from being pulled and twisted in every direction. It also saves the other clothes you have in the load from being caught, snagged, and torn. Rest In Peace to that $60 Free People tank top that suffered the wrath of an unfastened bra.

4. Use a lingerie bag.
Not only do lingerie bags keep your bras from stretching on the spin cycle, but they also protect the more delicate fabrics in your bra from the other materials in your load. We’re all guilty of having put our jeans and beach towels in the washer with our bras. It’s okay.
Actually, it’s not that okay. But a lingerie bag will at least justify your mixed load. Bottom line, if you want your bras to keep their shape and stay soft and supportive, use the lingerie bag.
5. Be picky about your detergent.
Listen. I believe in the power of Tide and OxiClean™ as much as the next person, but I’m sorry to admit that your bra is not feelin’ it.
There are two ingredients in your detergent that your bra is seriously allergic to: bleach and alcohol. Both of these ingredients will break down the lycra, spandex, and elastane fibers in your bra. Plus, they’ll make the fun colors and designs you love so much fade. Enter, a dingy and unsupportive bra. Pass.
Next time, opt for a natural and gentle detergent. It’s safe to assume that anything that says “tackles tough stains” is not safe for your bra.
6. Break up with your dryer.
Seriously, it’s got to go. Just like hot water breaks down the elastic of a bra, the heat from your dryer will do the same. Dryers can also be pretty harmful to the underwire of your bra, making it more prone to pop or break (if you know that pain, you know). If that wasn’t enough to make you walk away, the heat from your dryer can straight-up shrink your bra. That’s strike three on the dryer. Out.
7. Give your bralettes some love, too.
Alas, the easy and thoughtless step you’ve been looking for. No, different types of bras do not require different types of care. That means you can wash all your bras at the same time—fasten the clasps and put two or three in the same lingerie bag! Whatever you do, make sure you give your lace bralettes and T-Shirt bras the same love and attention you give your favorite push-up. They deserve it.