This goes out to my neighbor, who I just caught machine-washing his girlfriend’s bra with *only* fabric softener.
If you’re here because you want to start hand-washing your bras, you’re taking the first step in making your favorite push-up last forever. If you’ve been hand-washing your bras since you were old enough to wear one, congratulations on having more motivation and energy than literally anyone I’ve ever met.
Yes, I know the washing machine is tempting. Hand-washing your bras may be a little inconvenient, but before you throw the idea out the window, let me say that hand-washing is actually a lot easier than you think. With four simple steps, you’ll be on your way to a clean (and happy) bra drawer.

Step 1: Spot-treat stains.
I get it, I eat spaghetti in my bra sometimes, too. If you have any stubborn stains that absolutely will not come out during a regular hand-wash, we recommend the Purex Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar. All you have to do is wet the bar with warm water, gently rub it on the stain, and let it sit for about five minutes.
If you’re perfect and don’t have any spaghetti stains on your bra, you can disregard this and skip to Step 2.
Step 2: Soak. Soak. Soak.
I like to think of this as a nice, relaxing bubble bath for your bra. Fill your sink with room-temp water and add some of your favorite laundry soap or detergent. Remember, your bra is allergic to alcohol and bleach, so check the ingredients of your detergent! If all you have handy is Tide (guilty), don’t fret—just add some baby shampoo to your water.
Massage the suds into the fabric of your bra, focusing on any spots that you treated in Step 1. Once you’ve thoroughly worked the detergent into the fabric, let the bra soak for about 5 more minutes.

Step 3: Rinse. And don’t repeat.
Please don’t let those suds dry on your beloved go-to bra. We want soft and comfy, not stiff and crunchy. Give your bra a good rinse with room-temp water.
Step 4: Air dry.
You didn’t think I was going to tell you to use the dryer, did you? Seriously, don’t put your bra in the dryer unless you absolutely hate it and are looking for an excuse to buy a new one.
Instead, just lay your bra flat on a towel to dry. The towel will absorb any excess moisture and decrease your drying time (if only by a little bit) so you can go back to eating spaghetti in your favorite bra like, ASAP.